
Crusty old codgers

August 15, 2019   ·   0 Comments

Written by BRIAN LOCKHART I I pulled into a gas station the other week to put fuel in the truck and get a coffee for ...

Is this the year of the gun?

EDITORIAL IT’S GETTING PRETTY SCARY when on the same weekend we hear of 40 innocent people being gunned down in two cities south of the ...

Gun violence

By BRIAN LOCKHART It’s three o’clock in the morning and you are awakened by a strange noise. You look out the window and see a ...

We need to do more to protect the environment

OUR READERS WRITE Dear Sylvia Jones, are you prepared to work with your protestors regarding environmental protection? Did they bring something solid to you that ...

Politically correct speech

By BRIAN LOCKHART I was going over the federal government’s new guidelines for politically correct speech to be used by all of its employees when ...

Tackling fake news, propaganda

EDITORIAL IT WILL BE INTERESTING to see what happens in the wake of an announcement this week of a fresh attempt to deal with the ...

Diversity is no panacea

by BRIAN LOCKHART ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’ That phrase is a saying that goes back as far as ancient Greece and has been ...

Glad it’s all over

OUR READERS WRITE As a newbie in town, I remained neutral on the OPP vs SPS issue because I haven’t been here long enough.  The ...

The saga is over

EDITORIAL Shelburne’s saga of the summer came to an emphatic close on a stuffy night inside Town Hall last Wednesday (July 10).  It was a ...

The power of social media

By BRIAN LOCKHART You would think that any society that has the technology to travel several light years through space and visit another planet while ...

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