
Unreasonable speed limits

July 19, 2018   ·   0 Comments

If you routinely exceed the speed limit, sooner or later you’re going to get a ticket. I’ve had a few of those over the years. ...

Tough action

On the very day that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down for the first time with newly-elected Premier Doug Ford, it became public that the ...

At the office

BY LEE DUNN Up until May of 1980, I had worked in a series of warehouses and factories, my duties consisting of gopher, grunt worker, ...

SWIFT project on track in Dufferin County

OUR READERS WRITE In the May 3, 2018 Free Press and Economist, an article appeared which covered the visit to our county, by Leader of ...

It happened today

1937 — Spam, the canned luncheon “meat”, is unleashed on an unsuspecting world. 1946 — The bikini goes on sale after debuting at a show ...

For the People

By the end of the week, we will have a new Premier sitting in the big chair in the second-floor office at Queen’s Park—which, quite ...

Modern day ignorance

BY BRIAN LOCKHART Isn’t technology great? The digital world has ushered in a whole new world of convenience. A world of information is at your ...

For the People

EDITORIAL By the end of the week, we will have a new Premier sitting in the big chair in the second-floor office at Queen’s Park—which, ...

Workplace folly

Written by LEE DUNN I’ve worked in a number of places that have had trade unions, and I know the unions have their purpose and are ...

Dark clouds in Trudeau Grits’ future?

JUST WHAT, IF ANYTHING, should we make of two big Liberal losses, in the June 7 Ontario election and last Monday’s byelection in the Quebec ...

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