
Shelburne Curling Club starts new season

October 30, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart
The ice is in, and competition is underway at the Shelburne Curling Club.
Opening night of the season got underway on October 20, with all four sheets hosting a full night of house league matches.
“This is our first day. We had afternoon curling today and this is our first official day,” Said Club executive member Tom Little. “We curl Monday through Friday. We have two afternoon sessions and league play the rest of the week. We have competitive night’s and some that are recreational nights.”
During competitive nights, team member play together in a set schedule through the year.
Recreational nights feature teams that are matched up with players that sign up for the evening.
Curling is one of those sports that is popular among all ages from kids just learning right up to seniors who love getting on the ice and taking part in competition.
There is also a social aspect to it that is fostered in club events and during play while other gather in the club house to watch matches on the ice.
“The Curling Club is a great place to meet people in the community,” Little said. “There’s a wide of people here, so anybody who’s new in town and they want to make contact with people, this is a good way to meet people.”
Curling also provides some good exercise while you’re having fun.
“It’s good exercise. Walking up and down the ice – you’re walking over a mile in an eight-end game. If you have to sweep three or four rocks in a row, it’s not long until you’ve got the heart rate going. Rather than walking the streets of Shelburne you can come in here,” Little said.
The Shelburne Free Press is a proud sponsor of this year’s activities at the Club and has our logo displayed on the ice along with other local businesses who are taking part.
If you’re interested in joining, you’re first step is to visit the website at then give them a call and leave a message at the Club and someone will get back to you and give you all the details about how to become an active member in this very Canadian sport.

By Brian Lockhart

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