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Senior Cubs pay tribute to former player and coach

June 13, 2024   ·   0 Comments

Written By Brian Lockhart

The Mansfield Senior Cubs paid tribute to a former North Dufferin Baseball League player and coach before their game on Wednesday, June 5, against the Lisle Astros.

William Roger Maes, known as Roger, passed away on May 27.

“Roger was a long-time player in the North Dufferin Baseball League starting in the 1970s and playing until the early 2000s,” the League said in a statement. “He played for his hometown team, Mansfield, before joining Everett and Lisle in later years. He was a perennial all-star player who was a tough and fierce competitor on the field but when the game ended, was a friend to many.”

In 1991, Roger joined the league executive as vice president. He served as president in 1992 and past president the following year.

In an obituary, his family said, “Roger grew up in Mansfield, where his passion for baseball and the ‘love of the game’ took root. He spent many years playing hardball in the area, creating memories and friendships that lasted a lifetime.”

Roger was well respected in the League.

“He was from a generational family in Mansfield, playing minor ball and all the way up,” said Mansfield Senior Cubs manager Emerson Pendleton. “He played with Mansfield in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s, all the way up from minor ball. Once he got older he played with Everett and Lisle. He was an all-star. He used to hit home runs off that brick house (behind Mansfield left field). He won the national championship with the North Dufferin old-timers team – the Rockers. He coached us for a couple of years and took us to the playoffs and coached Lisle for a couple of years.”

The Cubs held a moment of silence in Roger’s honour prior to the June 5, game. 



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