
Shelburne Library news

August 31, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Last Saturday, August 24th was a big day for our library… our TD Summer Reading Club Grand Finale and our Giant Book Sale at No Frills.

TD Summer Reading Club Grand Finale

This really was a great culminating event for our youngsters who participated throughout the summer in our reading program. Along with all the prizes and recognition for number of books read, the children were excited to have Michael Hinbest, the Super Charged Top Dragster Race Car driver at the event. Michael talked to the kids about race car driving as a career but even beyond that, the role of graphic designers and the many other ways children could get involved. He brought hats and posters for each of the participants and signed the hats for the children. They were thrilled. We also presented them with their own memorabilia packages and some books donated by Saunders Book Company from Collingwood. The celebration ended with pizza and refreshments for all the children and parents. A great deal of appreciation for the success of this summer’s program goes to Jeanne Cruikshank who runs our Children’s programs and our summer student Lindsay Whiting who supported the program this summer.

During the day, our volunteers, Jim and Diane Worobec and George Barton, organized and held a Book Sale at the No Frills store just outside of town. This is the second year holding a very successful sale there and we appreciate the support of Manager, John Van Teunenbroek in enabling us to do the sale at such a prime location. We reach a large number of customers there and raise quite a nice amount of money for new books. As well, many thanks to our patrons who have donated these books over the past few months.

Just in case you think we are winding down our programs for the summer be assured that we are already planning many exciting programs for the Fall. Barbara Kyle will be the first guest author in our Library Literary events on Sunday September 29th. Her books in the Thornleigh series include:

The Queen’s Captive

The King’s Daughter

The Queen’s Lady and

Blood between Queens.

We will have copies ready for borrowing next week. I know you will enjoy the historical fiction enhanced with a personal insight into the characters. This is a free event for all in our community who wish to attend. Please register by calling the library at 519-925-2168.

Another very interesting 2 part event that we are holding is a writing and editing workshop with Kelly James, an alumnus of the Humber School for Writers. Titled Are your Memoirs Unmemorable? Or do they just need an edit? The two sessions are on September 22 and 29th from 2 – 5 p.m. The cost is $50 and proceeds will be donated to the Library and the Dufferin Arts Council. Please register directly with Kelly at 519-925-8874 or

Thursday Book Clubs – not just one but two book clubs this week!

The last Thursday of the month which is Thursday, August 29th, we have Rose’s Book Club from 2 – 4 p.m. and that evening we have the Teen Book Club, Pizza & Pages from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

This week, both clubs will feature lively discussions. Rose’s club will feature a variety of new reads; members will be talking about something they chose last month. The bonus here too is the opportunity to access the latest selections that have just come into the library.

Some of our new books are included here but don’t forget to check the new books on our website.


Blood & beauty by Sarah Dunant

Grace and Mary by Melvyn Bragg

The good luck girls of Shipwreck Lane by Kelly Harms

The family history by Jean Jardine Miller

The hen of the Baskervilles by Donna Andrews

The widow’s strike by Brad Taylor

Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda

The life list by Lori Nelson Spielman

The recipe box by Sandra Lee

The drowned man by David Whellams

Non fiction

Frightfully fun Halloween handbook by the editors of All You magazine

A tourist in the Arab spring by Tom Chesshyre

Fire your gym: simplified high-intensity workouts… by Andy Petranek

Tragedy of the Empires by Michael Haag

Grazing by Julie Van Rosendaal

Streeteats Toronto by Doss Suresh




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