
Shelburne welcomes new doctors to Shelburne Centre for Health

October 16, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Excitement filled the air at the Shelburne Centre for Health’s Open House on Wednesday October 9th when new doctors were introduced to the residents of Shelburne.

Mayor Ed Crewson congratulated Dr. Horvat for taking on the initiative and commitment towards improving healthcare in Shelburne.

“Dr. Horvat has been a great asset to our community. Never before has Shelburne had six doctors to care for our citizens. She has a tremendous amount of courage to step in and take charge creating an environment where other doctors want to stay and take care of our citizens,” Crewson very proudly commented.

During introductory speeches, Horvat commented, “We are really focussed on seeing new patients and we look forward to developing relationships with our patients. You no longer have to travel to see a family doctor who knows you.”

It’s that kind of dedication and devotion that had the entire room excited with hope for a bright future placing their health in the care of Canadian doctors Shelburne residents can trust.

Those who applied for a new health care professional will be contacted within the next few weeks with the good news regarding the name of the doctor they will be able to call their new ‘Family Doctor.’

Local area resident, Evelyn Rutledge attended the open house and was very impressed with what the new physicians had to say and expressed a sentiment basically shared throughout the room, “I think having the new Doctor’s are so great. Now Shelburne’s service will be good. I won’t have to go to Orangeville! Even things like Physiotherapy here are great now,” said Rutledge.

As Shelburne continues to grow, the importance of a working health care facility is a true asset for Shelburne residents and the idea of not having to travel to Orangeville is a definite plus, a sentiment which echoes throughout the community. Not just a matter of convenience, but an amenity not taken for granted Shelburne residents couldn’t be more pleased with their new health care physicians.

With Dr. Amy Horvat taking the reigns as Shelburne’s New Lead, Shelburne welcomes, Dr. Gursharan Soor,  Dr. Aila dela Cruz,  Dr. Nilany Somasundaram, Dr. Ishvinder Chattha,  Dr. Tristan Sumabat and including our very own Nurse Practitioner, Cherie Deratnay.

By Alex Sher


Local Resident Evelyn Rutledge attended the Open House held on Wednesday, October 9th where Shelburne Centre for Health proudly introduced Shelburne’s new family doctors. “I think these new doctors will be really great,” commented Rutledge expressing the resounding sentiment amongst all in attendance.

Local Resident Evelyn Rutledge attended the Open House held on Wednesday, October 9th where Shelburne Centre for Health proudly introduced Shelburne’s new family doctors. “I think these new doctors will be really great,” commented Rutledge expressing the resounding sentiment amongst all in attendance.

Photos by Alex Sher Cutline: Shelburne’s Mayor Ed Crewson congratulates Dr. Amy Horvat for her hard work and dedication creating an environment where new Doctor’s want to come and attend Shelburne residents at the Shelburne Centre for Health’s Open house held Wednesday, October 9th where new doctors were introduced to a welcoming community in ever great need of their services.

Photos by Alex Sher
Cutline: Shelburne’s Mayor Ed Crewson congratulates Dr. Amy Horvat for her hard work and dedication creating an environment where new Doctor’s want to come and attend Shelburne residents at the Shelburne Centre for Health’s Open house held Wednesday, October 9th where new doctors were introduced to a welcoming community in ever great need of their services.



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