
Sensible speed limits, anyone?

July 11, 2019   ·   0 Comments

EDITORIAL THE LAST TIME Ontario experimented with the idea of having sensible, rather than arbitrary, speed laws was in the 1960s, when John Robarts was ...

A slice in time from another era

BY BRIAN LOCKHART Oakland Coliseum Stadium – July 2, 1977 Temperature around 80 degrees F. Clear skies and a bright sunny day. Billy Powell starts ...

Vive la différence!

THE SITUATION IS UNIQUE. With the possible exception of India and Pakistan, nowhere else in the world do you find two countries with at least ...

A fiscally-driven issue

BY PETER RICHARDSON Shelburne has been involved, in discussions, over retaining the current Shelburne Police Service, or changing to the OPP. For some, it is ...

There’s one big unknown

EDITORIAL DECISIONS THIS YEAR may or may not lead to all of Dufferin County being policed by the Ontario Provincial Police. If that does happen, ...

Iran celebrate

by BRIAN LOCKHART Several years ago I used to work with a guy who had an uncanny ability to predict certain world events. He predicted ...

A big decision for Shelburne Council

Our Readers Write The Shelburne Police Service is at Risk of being Disbanded. It is crunch time. The report is in. Well, it is called ...

One final chance to make your feelings known on Town’s policing issue

OUR READERS WRITE The article by your staff reporter, Julia Lloyd, did a valiant creation of the Town Council meeting on Monday, June 10, 2109.  ...

Maybe bring a reusable cup for your daily dose of Tim’s

OUR READERS WRITE Regarding last week’s column, written by Brian Lockhart and focusing on littering… If Mr. Lockhart regularly goes to Tim Horton’s for a ...

A chance at redemption

EDITORIAL Well, it would appear we are back to square one as far as the Conservative Party of Canada is concerned here in Dufferin-Caledon. The ...

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