December 23, 2014 · 0 Comments
Newly elected Chair of Food and Water First Shirley Boxem had the future in mind for her family and yours when she made her Christmas wish list this year. Seen here with her grandson Benjamin when he was just eight hours old, Shirley said, “It’s a compelling moment to hold a newly arrived human. As we feast over the holidays, many of us will take a moment to think about where our food and our children’s food comes from. In the past year of his wee life we’ve seen terrific gains: The Liberal government has promised to implement the Farms Forever program to protect more prime agricultural lands near urban centres. We’re waiting for details, but expect the plan to be similar to one in Pennsylvania which has protected more than 500,000-acres of farmland over the past 25 years. Voters in this year’s provincial and municipal campaigns elected many candidates who support Food & Water First. MPPs from all three provincial parties demonstrated their support for the cause at the International Ploughing Match. Author Margaret Atwood visited nearby Midhurst to stand with local residents trying to protect prime farmland and a famous wetland from destruction. 2015 has been designated the International Year of Soils – putting a global focus on protecting the land that feeds us. A local food system that’s healthy and accessible to all; good food and happy people -that’s what I want for Christmas Santa. Wishing all of you and all the Bens out there a Food & Water First Christmas and New Year!”
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