July 31, 2015 · 0 Comments
Warm weather makes for a busy market: July 23rd was a busy day at the Shelburne Farmers’ Market at First and Owen Sound Street. Crowds continued throughout the afternoon and early evening eager to sample local produce and enjoy the warm dry weather that eluded the area earlier in the season. New vendors including more meat producers including beef, pork and fresh fish are also drawing out the crowds to browse and purchase new and fresh products as well as enjoy the art, crafts and live entertainment. The new downtown location continues to bring success and growth to the market which seems to improve and expand weekly with more vendors and produce. It is the place to meet friends and neighbours every Thursday afternoon from 3–7 p.m. just outside of Trinity United Church which has opened it’s doors making washroom facilities available to the public as well as their new art gallery which currently has an impressive display of biblical portraits by Shelburne artist Sandy Harron.
Photo by Marni Walsh
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