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Award winning Myomassologist now in Dufferin

November 18, 2016   ·   0 Comments

By Marni Walsh


30 years ago, Jeffrey Cottam had a successful career in manufacturing and had worked his way up the managerial ladder.

“I was in a position probably where a lot of people aspire to be, but I did not feel spiritually fulfilled by the work I performed,” he says.

A vision quest to find that fulfillment proved a revelation to him and, since then, he has dedicated his life to making a difference and helping others heal both mentally and physically through his practice and teachings in Myomassology.

Growing up in Manchester England, Jeffrey always held a fascination for North America and a particular interest in First Nations culture. After leaving his management position, he began working at the YMCA in Windsor and studying Natural Medicine across the border in United States. After a few years he began a private practice in massage and acupuncture, opening “Aromatica” a school of natural medicine in 1997.

He trained students in his version of holistic massage therapy, winning a North America-wide award: Myomassologist of the Year in 2000, in recognition of his innovative work in back pain management called Contraction Release Therapy or CRT.

Six months ago, Mr. Cottam moved his myomassology business from Cape Chin on the Bruce Peninsula to his home in Mono Township, where he practises and teaches his ‘holistic massage’ in the only Myomassology Institute in Canada.

“In the 1970s, Myomassology grew out of the American Massage Therapy Association which recognized a need to incorporate more diverse bodywork in massage therapy curriculums,” says Mr. Cottam. “This included ancient Chinese modalities such as acupressure and fire cupping, plus aromatherapy, reflexology and new therapies such as Cranio Sacral Therapy.”

Mr. Cottam took it a step further when he “developed a completely new holistic method of assessing whole body alignment.”

He noticed that all of his clients with chronic back, neck and shoulder pain “had one leg shorter than the other.” He used his unique CRT techniques to release muscles causing the “short” leg to drop to its normal length and successfully resolve pain issues.

Many clients find conditions that have never responded to other forms of treatment resolved through his methods, says the therapist.

“They find themselves pain-free for the first time in years. I teach my revolutionary techniques at my school in Mono Township and attract students of massage from the west coast to east coast to come and learn with me.”

His services at Aromatic include a broad range of traditional Chinese medicine, from aromatherapy, fire-cupping and hot-stone massage, to cranio-sacral therapy, reflexology, and acupressure.

Treatment and teaching takes place in a beautifully renovated studio loft with a view of the hills of Mono.

For more information visit or call Jeffrey Cottam at 519-378-5704, or 519-925-1612.




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