June 27, 2013 · 0 Comments
Hugh Brewster, a well known Canadian author of children’s books was the guest speaker at a fundraiser held at the Dufferin County Museum and Archives on June 15. The money raised will help send Corporal John McMurray, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, on the Centre Dufferin District High School European Battlefields Tour taking place in November 2013. Corporal McMurray will be accompanying the thirty-five students and their teachers as the museum’s representative.
Mr. Brewster captivated his audience with tales of Canadian soldiers and the men who commanded them. He described their life in the trenches of WWII, the defeat at the Battle of the Somme and on the beach at Dieppe as well as their victory at Vimy Ridge, and the landing at Juno Beach on DDay, June 6, 1944. His vivid descriptions of the hardships the soldiers endured brought insight into the reality of war for many of the audience.
The museum hosted a reception after Mr. Brewster finished speaking which gave the audience a chance to talk to the author and to obtain a signed copy of one or in some cases many of his books.
By Lynn Codd
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