
“Odds & Errands” exposed – and Shelburne loves it!

June 27, 2013   ·   0 Comments

Residents of Shelburne were given a visual treat on Thursday June 20th as business was blooming at Shelburne Fresh Variety. In addition to the spectacular variety of hanging baskets, beautiful plants of all kinds, Shelburne Fresh Variety welcomed Amanda’s Country Bakery and Odds & Errands as they joined forces providing a unique shopping experience on the Corner of Owen Sound St. and Jane St.

“People really like what Shelburne Fresh Variety has to offer in combination with my fresh baked goods and wonderful gift baskets from Odds&Errands,”said Amanda Coutts, owner of Amanda’s Country Bakery, utilizing her business theory  where teamwork amongst local businesses is proving a successful business strategy and great way to provide extended customer services.

Owner of Odds&Errands, Rosemary Cottrell, couldn’t agree more. “Amanda invited me to join her today,” said Cottrell, “It’s a perfect fit as Amanda’s products are also in my baskets.”

Appropriately named Odds&Errands, Cottrell’s business offers a wide and unique variety of services. In addition to creating beautiful, personalized themed gift baskets on demand, Cottrell offers her customers the ability to fill those baskets with choices of items from 25 local businesses. Aside from utilizing a great business strategy involving so many other businesses, Cottrell has another theory as to why this business approach is successful, “I want every basket to be like the customer created it themselves.”

Appealing to a large demographic, Cottrell then delivers the personalized baskets and her services do not stop there. A quick visit to her website, will reveal, Cottrell includes grocery shopping, personal shopping, errand running, yard maintenance, check-in-on service(non-medical), while serving Orangeville and the surrounding area.

“I often deliver Amanda’s bread to local people, and I work with the Red Cross, CCAC, and Meals on Wheels,” adds Cottrell. “People can place one time orders or weekly scheduled requests.”

This accommodation to customer service in conjunction with other local businesses provides many different types of clients the ability to maintain a lifestyle they desire especially if  house bound, experiencing a disability, caregivers too busy to be out and about shopping, busy mom’s, the elderly, even people who detest actually shopping. In today’s age of technology, this generation is all about convenience, personalized customer service and Cottrell offers exactly that, but does so with a compassionate edge.

Amanda’s Country Bakery and Odds&Errands will both be at the Orangeville Farmer’s Market. For more information on Odds&Errands, email Cottrell at [email protected] or call 519 943-4944.

By Alex Sher




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