May 23, 2019 · 0 Comments
There has been a lot of talk for some time now regarding the future of law enforcement in Shelburne.
From my perspective, Chief Moore and the men and women of the Shelburne Police Service have elevated awareness, safety, and presence. I have heard more than once from non residents that they are always sure to watch their speed when driving through Shelburne, or that “only in Shelburne” will you find a RIDE program on the coldest, snowiest nights of the winter.
I have four children in local schools, and every one of them knows at least two members of the SPS by their first names. Whether it through D.A.R.E. programs, bike raffles, hotdog fundraisers, or many other events. Through these acts I believe they have achieved an almost unthinkable feat – my kids see more than just the symbol of safety and respect of the uniform. They see the familiar, approachable face that wears it.
Most of the talk seems to be regarding the cost of maintaining the SPS. Some of our elected officials have suggested that the cost savings of switching to the OPP are the reasoning for looking into this. That the OPP could offer police services with a broader range of resources, and a more cost effective option.
Will we be suggesting the provincial government take over for our mayor, deputy mayor, and councillors? Will that also be a more cost effective option? Towns and townships count on the focus municipal government’s offer, from people that live and work there – I believe the same is true of our police. With their finger on the pulse of the town, if problems should arise the SPS know best where to start.
While I believe the OPP keeps our highways safe, and does an invaluable job tying together law enforcement province wide – do we believe they can offer the same focus we count on from the SPS? Broader resources certainly sounds positive, but I cant help but wonder if the attention and focus we have now eliminates some of the need for these resources.
Should the fastest growing town in Ontario really consider an option that offers less focus?
Perhaps the Shelburne Police Service is expensive, I believe they are worth it – as is my family’s safety.
L. Gibson
Shelburne resident
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