January 27, 2022 · 0 Comments
Written By Paula Brown
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
This week Brennan Mountford from Centre Dufferin District High School shares a little bit about her experience and how Ace Hardware is contributing to our community’s future.
Ace Hardware has been open for five years. The business provides plumbing parts and paint for house walls.
Ace Hardware is owned and supervised by Tania Scheiwiller, while Jasmine, Stacey, and Sue work there.
Ace Hardware cuts keys and mixes paint. I have been trained on how to use both the paint machine and key cutting machine.
I swept/mopped the floor, faced the shelves and added to the shelves from the top, cut keys, mixed paint, added to inventory, unloaded trucks, and put products away after the truck got there.
There are many jobs that are associated with the store business: Carpenter, Electrician, Mechanic, Painters, Handyman, Construction Workers, Welders, and Farmers.
Mechanics need parts like nuts and bolts so they have to go to a hardware store or order them online. They usually go to a hardware store so they can get the parts faster.
Handymen come to the store for paint sheetrock repair kits, silicone, tape, and screws.
Electricians come in for wire, electrical outlets, light switches, light mounts and wall electrical mounts.
While carpenters will come in to buy wood screws, wood glue, sandpaper, and drill bits.
Ace Hardware has products made by the public for sale like signs, metal sculptures and more from the community.
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