September 29, 2022 · 0 Comments
Written By Brian Lockhart
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin and District is celebrating a milestone year in 2022, as they mark 50 years of supporting one-on-one mentoring relationships between adults and youth.
The local chapter was founded in 1972.
To celebrate this banner year, the organization held a 50th anniversary gala at the Museum of Dufferin on Saturday (Sept. 24) that featured a cocktail hour, dinner, silent auction, and music by local band, The Campfire Poets.
With the Bowl for Kid’s Sake fundraiser on pause the past couple of years, the organization has pivoted to holding the gala.
Around 80 people attended.
The pandemic increased the burden on Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), and now, more than ever, they need people to step and volunteer to mentor youth.
“The pandemic really increased demand for our programs,” said Nancy Stallmach, executive director of Dufferin and District BBBS . “A lot of kids are struggling with mental health issues, and it’s coming out more and more now, so we’ve had a huge demand for volunteers. We’re always looking for people and with the demand higher than ever, we are looking for more volunteers to mentor a child.”
The Gala helped the organization raised much needed funds to help them continue their valuable work in the region.
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