September 25, 2013 · 0 Comments
The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as we gathered to enjoy in the Lord’s presence. The festive morning began with a Puppet show appreciated by everyone with a message that the Lord is reliable and trustworthy, He never lies and that we should pray for those who do not know Him. Joyful songs were shared by Bob, Brian, Barb and Shaynna followed by our good friend Wesley. Psalm 96:1 and Luke 9:57 were read. Pastor Don anointed the service with prayer.
Pastor Don gave a heartfelt message from the Lord, he asked, “Why come to Church, what is it good for?” Statistics say that of those who profess to be Christians, only 20% actually attend church regularly. Let me tell you a little story, there was a man who loved God, and prayed but had stopped attending church for some time. One day the minister decided to go visit him. As the man answered his door and the minister entered he went to sit on a big comfy chair near the fire. After a long moment of silence, the minister took a pick and removed one of the pieces of wood from the fire and set it on the stone before it. The man watched quietly as they glanced back and forth at each other. The piece of wood quickly cooled down and no glimmer emitted from it. Not a word was spoken, the minister stood up and made his way to the door, the man looked at him and said, ”thank you for the encouraging sermon, I’ll see you at church next Sunday,” The minister smiled and tipped his hat and walked away.
As believers when we give up on meeting with each other we are like a log removed from a fire, our light goes out, when we go about our daily routines and avoid gathering together, we grow cold and weary,( Hebrews 10:25). When we come together, we encourage one another; we share in each other’s burdens as much as each other’s joys. When we neglect our relationship with each other it saddens our Heavenly Father. He formed the church so when we take part of it we are in His will and consequently part of His family,( Mark 3:31-34) This is for anyone who wholeheartedly comes to the Father.
We are one family through Jesus Christ. “So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.” – Ephesians 2:19-21. As a church family we are all accountable to each other. A Pastor’s responsibility is to teach and feed the word of God, our responsibility is to listen and put it into practice, (James 3:1). We as a whole have a responsibility to encourage, to serve, to grow and to pray together and for one another sharing in His knowledge, (2Peter 1:2).
So what is it that makes us able to rely on God and each other? It is His Love and His promises, he is reliable and He does what He says, His word is truth,( Hebrews 6:18). None of us deserve it but He freely gives us His love which saves and forgives we just need to reach out for it, (Romans 3:23). Church is a family of people because of Jesus’ loving sacrifice; it bonds us together, so when we meet together on Sunday mornings, prayer meetings or Bible studies we are representing the love of God within a family. This will shine to a world who longs to belong, many people are lonely and need to be loved and they are watching, so let us point them to their Heavenly Father, ( 2 Corinthians 3:2-3). Becoming part of God’s family is about relationship with Him and each other where we are loved unconditionally, we are sheltered, we are forgiven, encouraged and are understood and we are no longer alone. So again, “why come to church, what is it good for?” Absolutely everything!
Beloved brothers and sisters, when we join together to enjoy God’s presence, we are refreshed and energized; we can therefore face the days ahead and shine God’s love for all to see and inviting them to join the family. Asherey Shalom! To read more visit:
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