January 16, 2025 · 0 Comments
Shelburne Town Council has unanimously agreed to overturn parking tickets issued to residents for overnight street parking on Dec. 27.
During their first meeting of the year on Monday (Jan. 9), Councillor Dan Sample inquired about amending a previously passed motion, to allow for relief of tickets issued to residents on Dec. 27 for overnight parking on the street.
“I guess there was a bit of miss understanding on my part when I said give relief to include Boxing Day. When I mentioned Boxing Day, I assumed it would carry over to the morning of the 27th, not midnight of the 26th,” explained Sample. “I wouldn’t expect people to be at their relatives or family members and at 12 o’clock have to move their cars. I expected that night to be included, it wasn’t, and I’d like to have it included and give relief to the tickets issued for that time frame.”
Coun. Sample initially brought forward a motion at one of Council’s October meetings, which requested an extension of street parking until Dec. 1. Council passed the motion to grant relief for restricting on-street parking for the additional two weeks at their Nov. 4 meeting.
As part of the motion, Shelburne Town Council also granted parking relief from Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), Christmas Day (Dec. 25), Boxing Day (Dec. 26), and New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31).
Jennifer Willoughby, director of legislative services, noted to councillors that a total of 37 tickets were issued on Dec. 27, of which 32 were for on-street parking.
In order to reconsider the motion, Shelburne Town Council needed a two-thirds majority vote to overturn and introduce an amended motion.
The amended motion extended the hours of on-street parking to include 12 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Dec. 27.
Council supported the overturning of the previous motion and the amendment unanimously.
Residents who have paid their tickets for the on-street parking infraction on Dec. 27 are eligible for reimbursement.
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