
SIU Probes

February 28, 2019   ·   0 Comments

EDITORIAL Ontario Attorney General Caroline Mulroney, daughter of a Canadian prime minister likely to be judged better by history than he’s being judged right now, ...

ISIS Wives

BY BRIAN LOCKHART It is hard to fathom the mindset of people who do something so contrary to common sense that no amount of counselling ...

Cold as ice

The expression ‘cold as ice’ has recently taken on a whole new meaning to me.  For those of you blissfully unaware, I participated in my ...

You can’t fix stupid

by BRIAN LOCKHART First there was crane girl – now there’s chair girl. Yes, another weird story out of Toronto that the media has focused ...

A lesson learned the hard way

by MIKE BAKER Well, the Great White North has certainly lived up to its name these past couple of weeks. We here in Dufferin County ...

Do you remember?

by BRIAN LOCKHART I was driving down First Street in Orangeville last week during one of the icy days we’ve had recently and saw an ...

Amalgamation anyone?

Written by MIKE BAKER With Premier Doug Ford last month announcing the Province would be reviewing regional governments across Ontario, it has left locals pondering ...

Our fiat currency

Written by BRIAN LOCKHART When asked ‘Why do you rob banks?’ notorious bank robber Willie Sutton glibly replied “because that’s where the money is.”  It ...

We’re caught in the middle

EDITORIAL CANADA IS INFURIATED, and rightfully so. John McCallum, Canada’s ambassador to China told Chinese press there was a solid legal case that could help ...

Inclusivity gone crazy

Written by BRIAN LOCKHART Inclusive – it’s a word that has been tossed around a lot over the past few years. For some reason some ...

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