
Crossroads Community Church

October 5, 2013   ·   0 Comments

“Open Arms Ministry’s held the first Sunday School class of the season at Crossroads. The kids are studying the Ten Commandments with music, crafts and memory verses with plenty of surprises along the way!”

The anointing of the Lord was felt throughout the morning, Pastor Don welcomed everyone and joy resonated during worship, God truly inhabits the praise of His children. Bob shared scriptures Isaiah 42:10 and 40:3. Pastor Don offered a prayer of humility then asked, “Do you sometimes find some days overwhelming?” Today we continue our lessons on “Faith that Works”, so far we’ve looked at overcoming temptation which impedes our faith and we’ve learned how to reach out in faith without judgement to those around us thus fulfilling Christ’s great commission. Now let us look at what helps us face each day and challenge; Godly Wisdom.

The wisdom of God is found in His word, “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding,…” Proverbs 3:13-20. Let us first clarify the difference between wisdom and intelligence; wisdom is the ability to make sound judgment on any matter, the power to use information appropriately and intelligence is the power of knowing and understanding information. I am sure we have all met people who were highly intelligent but were not wise in their actions. The Bible says we prove our wisdom by the way we act, our wisdom is measured by our humble character;(James 13:3).

We are living in a time where technology has enabled information to multiply expediently but one has to wonder if it has made us any wiser. God respects knowledge but values wisdom above it, the fear of the Lord is foundational to our faith and obtaining wisdom,(Proverbs 1:7). Those who foolishly refuse to follow God’s wisdom end up in great turmoil, (Proverbs 1:22). Godly Wisdom is worth pursuing diligently, we ought to be on the alert to recognize His wisdom every time we worship, listen to a sermon and read our Bibles, “Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment,” Proverbs 4:7. God’s ways are good unfortunately in the aimless pursuit of social acceptance we make unwise choices to our own peril,(Proverbs 4:14,15). Above all things we should desire righteousness,(Proverbs 8:11).

Where do we get wisdom? From God himself all we have to do is ask,(James 1:5). Wisdom’s characteristics are practical relating to everyday life, it does not shelter us from challenges but it does equip us to face them in faith. Wisdom is divine, it is beyond human reasoning, what we sometimes consider common sense is often foolishness to God which is why we ought to keep our hearts and eyes, ears and minds open to God’s guidance. Wisdom equals Christ-likeness, it helps us approach life as Jesus would,(1 Corinthians 1:24).

A humble and modest spirit precedes wisdom but pride hardens the heart and closes the door on godly wisdom,(James 3:14-16).   The ways of the world are selfishness coupled with jealousy and are detriments to godly wisdom. The pressures Society places on people cause restlessness and discontentment, pulling us away from God. The world motto is “If it feels good, just do it,” but just because it feels good does not mean it is right.

What we say also demonstrates our wisdom, what we say right or wrong influences those around us and our actions, (James 3:6). When we tame our tongues it proves we are exercising wisdom, no wonder Granny used to say “turn your tongue ten times before you speak.” God’s wisdom is characterized by purity and kindness a rare find in this day and age. Our society has blurred the lines between intellectual wisdom and purity, things are increasingly less defined as to what is right and what is wrong, for the sake of social acceptance and a false appearance of tolerance the moral compass has shifted which in the end brings calamity, injustice and heartache.  God however weighs the purity of our motives and our actions and desires order and peace for us. Wisdom from below comes from reasoning, wisdom from above comes from revelation,(James 3:17,1 Corinthians 14:33). So we if we are rooted in God’s wisdom and plant peace in the world around us we will reap righteousness and have a long blessed life,(James 3:18, Isaiah 32:17).

Beloved, the accumulation of earthly wealth and human knowledge can’t give us lasting peace nor can it assure us of true contentment. Praise be to God who acts from above to change the lives of those He loves, He abundantly gives peace and wisdom to those who earnestly seek Him. This week let us be bold; ask Him to show us the way and fill us with His Spirit, God will make this happen, for He who calls us is faithful. Asherey Shalom!

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