
OPP to join Ontario police partners for ‘Operation Impact’

October 11, 2013   ·   0 Comments

In partnership with its Ontario police partners, the OPP is gearing up for Operation Impact, Canada’s largest annual road safety campaign which takes place over the Thanksgiving Long Weekend.

During Operation Impact, the OPP and its policing partners will be collaborating to raise awareness and enforce traffic laws associated with the “Big 4” driving behaviours that continue to take innocent lives on highways and roads: Impaired driving, lack of occupant restraint, distracted driving and all aspects of aggressive driving.

“Operation Impact is by far the most concentrated effort on the part of the OPP and our policing partners in keeping our roads safe for the thousands of families who will be traveling to see their loves ones over the Thanksgiving Long Weekend. We are very proud to be contributing to Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015 which has the goal of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world, and this is achieved through effective campaigns such as Operation Impact,” Deputy Commissioner Larry Beechey, Provincial Commander, OPP Traffic Safety and Operational Support.

“As of October 7, 2013, 213 people have died this year on Ontario roads in OPP jurisdiction and 182 of those deaths were attributable to the Big 4 driving behaviours that are the focus of Operation Impact.  We want to see zero fatalities over the weekend and we want the public to help us achieve this goal by making a commitment to driving safely and showing consideration to all road users,” Chief Superintendent Don Bell, Commander, OPP Highway Safety Division.

The OPP is reminding the public that they will also maintain their presence on Ontario waterways and trails over the weekend as the forecasted warm weather is expected to drive people outdoors for recreational boating and off-roading activity.

Operation Impact runs from Friday, October 11 to Monday, October 14.




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